Why you should never CC your subscribers?

Why you should never CC your subscribers?
19 Jan 2021

Why you should never CC your subscribers?

Carbon copy or CC marketing can be very useful when you need multiple people to view a message. If you are an email marketer, however, your convenience may come back to bite you. By using this harmless feature some serious consequences can occur. Therefore, we share the three main reasons why you should never CC your subscribers.

Privacy Infringed

If you are familiar with the QC process and how it works, you will have realized that it can easily lead to a privacy issue depending on the parties involved. When a copy of a message is sent to your subscribers, the email address of each recipient is available for each other recipient to see. This is wrong because of two main reasons.Firstly,all of your subscribers will be exposed to potentially dangerous threat of spam, which can be sent by some of you contacts – the people that you CC with. Second, you are essentially showing your subscribers that you don't care about the protection of their personal data and privacy. And they can't trust you to keep them safe, why should they deal with you at all?

Reduced Delivery Capacity

Email deliverability, in general, is at the mercy of ISPs, but is even more vulnerable when desktop and web-based email clients are involved. No matter what client program you are using to communicate with your subscribers, the number of messages you can actually send is limited and directed by your ISP. A single message CC sent to dozens of people who could put more than that limit, increasing the likelihood of having your email land in a spam filter and your sending privileges temporarily suspended. Make this a routine habit and you could have your account permanently closed.

CAN SPAM Violated

The CAN-SPAM law that President Bush signed into law in 2003 is the closest we have to email regulations. While the numerous spammers have and continue to escape their wrath, some have not been so lucky. Among other requirements, the CAN-SPAM Act requires marketers to ensure that each message contains a very clear explanation of how to opt-out, and a valid physical address of the recipients for mail that you can use to communicate with them. With a good piece of software, making your message have these mandatory elements is something you don't have to worry about, as they are automatically included. When email marketing is being carried out through a conventional email client, it is up to you to make sure they are included. Do not add them and you could end up violating CAN-SPAM, as a result of the complaints counted by people who do CC in their message.

When you take a long hard look at the pitfalls, it becomes apparent that sending CC to your subscribers is not worth the hassle. Fortunately, all of these potential problems can be avoided by investing in a quality email marketing software solution. With the backing of a reputable email service provider, you can keep your deliverability and reputation rates in the all-good rankings without having to risk the often-troublesome CC feature.