The importance of using the correct Charset in Email marketing

The importance of using the correct Charset in Email marketing
19 Jan 2021

The importance of using the correct Charset in Email marketing

An object with less than 21 charactersis capable of generating an above-average open rate of 31%, a unique click rate of 2.4% and a click-to-open rate of 12.9%And the fewer characters the email subject contains, the higher the open rate. The strategy to follow is to give the user as much information in advance to encourage them to open the message - both through a personalized and relevant subject line, and through a subject line that awakens the interest and attracts the curiosity of the consumer.However, most of the emails sent contain a subject with a number of characters between 21 and 60, which have the lowest open rate. High percentages in the opening rate can be included if combined with another variable: triggered emails. In fact, 45% of email subjects under 10 characters represent triggered emails, which record a greater involvement and therefore a higher opening rate as they are important, timely and personalized.

The email has several sensitive points: the call to action, the body of the message, the pre-header. Yet nothing has greater influence than the subject. So, if you guess the right subject, your email will almost certainly be successful; if you neglect it, you will get a spike in spam reports.

The title must capture the attention, the subject must do this but above all allow the email to survive the first skimming in the inbox.Your subscribers receive a hundred or more emails every day. And if they work in the B2B sector, they also get to several hundred emails a day. A huge flow of communications that flows into our inbox and that we must necessarily learn to sort, filter and eliminate what we do not need.Without an interesting subject, which entices you to click, your email will be doomed to end up in the trash in a split second. The goal of the object is this: to capture attention just enough to induce the recipient to find out a little more about your communication.

The question is: how do you write an object that allows the email to survive the first skimming? What words can seduce your recipients?Given that we are not magicians and do not practice hypnosis, trust in A / B tests that provide reliable results. For this we have collected studies and analyzes carried out on a large amount of email objects. No magic spells or witchcraft, just valuable information for your next campaigns.

1) Personalization

In email marketing you will have heard of personalization over and over again. Because it is, in fact, one of the greatest assets for marketers. And the subject is one of the points in the email where personalization gives the best results. Emails that give the recipient a "you", by entering the name in the subject, get 2.6% more openings than non-personalized ones.

2) “Free delivery”, magic word or not?

Thinking back, we really do have a magic word. Indeed two: "Free delivery". Indicating "free delivery" in the subject of the email leads the openings to jump by 50.7%, and up to +135, 4% for click-through rates.

3) Dynamic fields

Some marketers use dynamic fields in their subject matter to highlight and emphasize a word, a phrase, a brand.There are many cases of email marketing that prove how the dynamic fields in the subject drive high open and click rates. A call to action or company name can also end in square brackets.Adding dynamic fields to your emails is definitely an email terrain on which it is worth testing and testing.

4) On the length of the object: better if short!

For the subject of an email it is better not to exceed ten words.Is there a reason behind it? Mobile devices. Smartphones display only the first five or six words of the object. This is why short objects capture the attention of users who view from mobile. If we then consider that emails are increasingly open on smartphones and tablets, we understand why it is better to calibrate your object on the narrow spaces allowed by the mobile.Most of the emails sent have on average a subject between 40 and 60 characters (spaces included). Yet emails with a subject of this length have the lowest open rates. Emails with a subject that does not exceed 20 characters have the best response. The trend gradually improves even in the case of objects over 80 characters.For your emails, it is therefore essential to focus the subject on key words and concepts, of immediate understanding and recognition, at the beginning or end of the object.

5) Do not add FW and RE

It is always a good idea to use best practices to optimize the object as much as possible. Just don't take off, becoming misleading, or worse deceptive. If they smell spam, your subscribers will punish you.

6) Unicode symbols can help!

Have you ever noticed those stylized drawings in the subjects of some emails? Hearts, little hearts, stars or airplanes: they are called Unicode symbols, more generically known as special characters. It may seem strange, but they are elements that are worth testing in the object. Because we find, for example, that the snowman symbol ☃ helps you achieve higher open rates.Give it a try and find out which unicode symbols can benefit your email campaigns. You can also consult our post on the use of symbols in the email subject, where you will also find a practical table of the most common symbols, to copy and paste into your email.

7) Don't be generic, be specific!

There are a large number of tips on the web on how to use numbers and percentages in the email subject. The numbers inserted in the subject improve the performance of the email, thanks to the number itself and, above all, to the precision and specificity they give to the communication.Vague and generic objects hardly arouse the reader's interest. Consider that your email is delivered to the inbox along with hundreds of others. Anything that is not specific and interesting will most likely be deleted.

The only way to know what really works is to test, try, try and try again. To be sure, we recommend that you run at least a couple of tests with statistically valid results. Then nominate a winner and edit the emails accordingly.