The Importance of Segmented Email Lists

The Importance of Segmented Email Lists
28 Dec 2020

The Importance of Segmented Email Lists

If you are offering in improving email open rates, click-through rates, and subscription rates while keeping the number of spam messages as low as possible, you need to read this article carefully.Most successful marketers use the email marketing segment to improve the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Email marketing, like other marketing technology tools, is getting stronger than ever.

70% of brands fail to appreciate the beauty of personalization in marketing, and yet personalization in marketing results in a 6x increase in transactions. Strange, isn't it?

Let's start by defining email segmentation and its implications for technology companies.

What is mailing list segmentation?

The art of dividing your email marketing campaign or sending your mailing lists into smaller groups or segments for a more targeted target audience is mailing list segmentation.When you target your audience in a more segmented way, you can tailor each group of your email marketing campaign as a separate entity and be even more personal and detailed with your audience. You can pay more attention to their needs and build your association based on trust, information and authentication.

According to MailChimp, segmented email campaigns have 15% higher open rates and over 60% click-through rates.MailChimp also noticed that segmentation of the mailing list resulted in a significant drop in unsubscribes.

The importance of mailing list segmentation

Mailing list segmentation has several benefits, each one specific to your situation. However, one of the main advantages of segmentation email list is that it allows you to reach the right person, with the right message, at the right time.

Increases sender reputation

Since segmentation of your email list gives you a much better response to your email marketing compared to no segmentation, it has a greater impact on your business reputation.When more and more people interact with your email and don't mark it as spam, it means better ranking for your business website in search results. Plus, when you target your audience in a more individual and exclusive way, you're building your relationship around authenticity and familiarity.

Get significantly better results

When you target smaller market segments with more detailed information, you are destined to get better results.

Separate contacts based on their interests

Email list segmentation makes it easier for you to connect with audiences in a specific category. So, let's assume that if in the future you only need to communicate with an audience that prefers buying LED smartwatches, you will be able to connect with an audience that is ultimately your potential leaders in this regard.

Less spam complaints

When you only send emails to a list of people who are interested in your emails, you will receive fewer spam complaints. This means that less people will tend to mark your email as spam.

Better deliverability

Segmented email marketing ensures that your emails are delivered to the right audience and you have a voucher to get your products in front of your potential buyers.

Let's discuss a few points to give you an idea of ​​how you can proceed with your own segmented email marketing.

Use demographics to narrow your crosshair

Demographics play a very important role it comes to email marketing. When you know the age, gender, interests, likes and dislikes of your audience, you know what you should show them. So, instead of targeting an older audience with kids gadgets, you can send them emails that spark their interests.

Capture key points from surveys and quizzes

If you don't have important demographics and data about your customers, you can always create quizzes and interactive activities on your websites. You can create anything that uses their email address, as well as some payload that you can use to your advantage.After that, you can start targeting these people with custom email marketing campaigns.

Proper location targeting is important

Location is so important for the main reason that if an event is approaching in a city, you don't want to email your audience around the world to attend the event.Because if you end up doing this, you will only alienate your audience, pull more marks as spam checks, or get hits on your unsubscribe button. Therefore, you need to keep track of your audience's location.

Send special offers to a more attractive audience

You can watch the opening of your campaign mailing list and see which users are interested in your emails and company products. After you find their templates, you can send them relevant suggestions, which may ultimately make their decision.In other words, it's a great way for you to identify your customers as a tech company.

Watch for inaction - focus on the other

In addition to observing people who are paying attention to your emails, you should also focus on people who ignore your emails or pay little attention. Emails in your marketing campaign, if flagged as spam, will be considered negative for you and your company. Google and other search engines will not rank your website top notch and this will impact your tech company's sales.So, watch the audience that is not paying attention or doing nothing and get rid of them. You will have more free resources that you can use to use better things.

Abandoned carts

It has been proven and eminently certain that the majority of audiences coming to your tech company's website do add items to their cart but leave without checking.You can observe what these people are interested in and maximize your chances of selling those products by optimizing your site for maximum sales next time!