Stop Using These Obsolete Email Marketing Techniques

Stop Using These Obsolete Email Marketing Techniques
19 Jan 2021

Stop Using These Obsolete Email Marketing Techniques

Marketing is complex. If there are so many techniques, how do you reach and connect with your audience? First things first: you need to know what not to do. “Domino's Forever” was a campaign created last year by the Russian Domino’s franchise that said if customers tattooed the logo they would receive 100 free pizzas a year for 100 years.At first, the strategy worked incredibly: strangely enough to us, hundreds of clients signed up and went to get their tattoos. However, as images of the freshly done tattoos came in, Domino’s began putting restrictions on the supply. Suddenly, there was a limit, and only 350 newly tattooed people qualified for the reward. As you can imagine, people got very angry.

A bad move, because clients who felt betrayed won't soon forget it.

There's some science behind it: According to a Washington Post report, “Research shows that memories of negative experiences are more vivid than positive ones…” And those Domino's customers were certainly left with a very vivid memory. of a bad experience.

So, if you are the publicist, remember: Making a good impression on a customer is very difficult, but making a bad impression is the easiest thing in the world, especially when it comes to marketing. Here we leave you some plays that you should not make, marketing techniques of the past that should no longer accompany us today.

1. Try to offer something to the masses

Each person is unique, and you need to take that into account. Gone are the days without customization. According to a report by Segment on the state of personalization in 2017, almost half of the customers surveyed said they were more willing to repeat a purchase if they got a personalized shopping experience.If you're not already collecting information from your customers and using it to create targeted marketing efforts for their demographics, now is the time for you to do so. Making minimal effort, such as speaking to a customer by name when sending an email, is no longer enough.

2. Print things

What happens to all the mail that arrives at your house? What do you do if a business, religious group, or other organization leaves a brochure on your door? Do you read it? Most likely not.

That's why experts are moving away from printed brochures and any other marketing techniques that have to do with paper. Besides being expensive and time consuming, it is often ineffective. On the other hand, the digital world is fast, effective and efficient.

3. Generate poor quality videos

Videos with stock content, or vague words from the business world, or upbeat music in the background are super outdated and have seen too much already. “Speaking of percentages, 91 percent of consumers have seen at least one video of a product or service that they like,” wrote Rohan Sheth, founder and CEO of GrowRev Digital. If nine out of ten customers watch your videos, they need to get something of value from the content they are consuming. Otherwise, they will stop seeing you and start seeing someone else.

4. Have social networks only to promote

Losing customers on social networks is very easy, especially if you only use them to advertise. Sure, social media marketing is good: According to Sprout Social, 77 percent of consumers are more inclined to buy from companies they follow on social media. But making money shouldn't be your only purpose on these platforms.Customers often abandon over-hyped brands. Before thinking about social media advertising, consider how you can use them to strengthen the community around your brand and get them to interact with it.

5. Forget about email

Some think that email marketing is dead, but it is not. According to a post by KealaKanae, co-founder and CEO of the AWOL Academy, “As a business owner right now, you shouldn't let the social media frenzy fool you… email marketing is not dead… Promote your services or products by mail can be a fast, easy and efficient method to reach new customers and keep the ones you already have, that without a doubt. "

For example, remember the Dell’s MarketingSherpa Email project, in which thanks to a campaign focused on GIFs, the company increased its profits by 109 percent. Dell sent animated images in the mail that trapped users and led them intelligently to the sales funnel.

6. Lack of innovation and sticking to the basics

In terms of analysis, the more the better. You may already be using some kind of analytics to review your marketing efforts, but I assure you that there are tons of techniques and metrics that you are not using yet.Digital marketing is constantly changing, which means that you can add far more analytics to your strategy than before. You may think that the metrics you already use are enough, but I assure you they can be much better.The more you study your analytics and put them to work, the better your return on investment will be.

One more thing: don't allow direct marketing mistakes

Clients may forgive, but they don't forget. Just ask H&M. Last year, the clothing brand uploaded a photo of a black boy wearing a sweatshirt with a sign that read: "Coolest monkey in the jungle." Reactions on social media were immediate and very angry.And although the image was uploaded in a certain country, it soon gained traction around the world. Soon after, H&M hired a "diversity leader" to try to show that the company is not racist.

It goes without saying that succeeding in today's business world is difficult enough without having a bad marketing strategy. While outdated marketing efforts won't always be bad for your brand, they're not helping you either, that's for sure. Fortunately, with a good marketing plan, updated strategies, and some creativity, you can give your customers what they want and improve your results at the same time.