Spring cleaning tips for your email marketing campaign

Spring cleaning tips for your email marketing campaign
28 Dec 2020

Spring cleaning tips for your email marketing campaign

Due to the great saturation of social networks, e-mail marketing campaigns are becoming an increasingly integral part of any marketing strategy, whether the business is run as small or large.Nearly 77% of users choose to subscribe to company email lists themselves, so these campaigns are the perfect way to present your brand in the best light, get in touch with potential customers, increase your attendance. website and gather important information for users

To do this, we have created a step-by-step guide to help your email marketing campaign be successful.

Before you start, you need to specify your goals that you want to achieve with this campaign. Depending on the industry to which your brand belongs and its size, your goal may be:

- Remind customers that your business exists;

- Reward certain customers with special promotions;

- Send regular e-mail offers to potential buyers until they decide to buy your product;

- Be active in finding potential buyers who would buy your product / service you offer;

- Encourage users to invite their friends;

- Communicate and build a good image for your brand;

Decide what you aim for and use this guide to take you through creating, setting up and analyzing your campaign.

Once you have defined the ultimate goal of your email strategy, you need to choose the email marketing software that suits your needs. Below we have made a list of 7 good and well known softwares that you can use for this purpose:

- Constant Contact

- Aweber

- ConvertKit

- GetResponse

- MailChimp

- Campaign Monitor

- ActiveCampaign

STEP 1: Make an e-mail list of quality addresses

Think like your customers and ask yourself: What would my potential buyer want to get in his inbox? What will he get in return if he leaves his e-mail address? What will be your message? (eg "Learn more"; "Visit the store today"). Be as specific as possible so that your user knows what they are signing up for and is not disappointed as soon as your emails start arriving. In other words, consider who you are offering.

For example:

- Offer something that is free

- Offer a newsletter with interesting news or information about a product

In addition to leaving an email address on your website, there are other ways you can create an email list:

When registering an account: This is also a good way, but let's not forget that the benefits of registering on your website should be clear to users!

Word of Mouth: Insert an email notification for your customers to send products, information, wish lists and more to their friends

Customer request: When visitors to your website request a catalog, information or price, ask for their email address

When making a payment: When purchasing one of your products, whether online or live, ask for their email address

STEP 2: Manage automated reply messages

Potential customers join your site, what next? The first e-mail you receive after logging in is crucial to the success of your e-mail campaign. Using the e-mail service of your choice (MailChimp, Constant Contact, GetResponse, etc.), you can apply an automatic e-mail response. This e-mail should contain general information about the company, as well as a plan for using the already received e-mail address of the user.

Important: Meet your customer's expectations. If he signed up to receive emails from you twice a week, make sure he receives them. If you are not persistent in that, you risk losing valuable customers.

STEP 3: Use the results of your previous campaigns wisely

Most e-mail services enable systematic content analysis - feel free to use them! Focus on the number of users who started the e-mail campaign (Open Rate), the ratio of users who clicked on a particular link and those who visited the site / ad (CTR - Click Throught Rate), as well as those who refused to receive of e-mails (Unsubscribers).

When you know where and what to check, you will get a clear idea of why your email marketing campaign is successful or unsuccessful.If your 'CTR' is low, it means that your messages do not meet the interests of your user. Fix this by targeting your content and introducing more interesting content.If your percentage of users who 'Unsubscribe' is higher than those who subscribe (your Subscribe), your campaign is ineffective. You need to research when / why users leave and do something about it.

Armed with all this information, do not wait and start the distribution process! In other words, divide your email list into smaller target groups. Targeted communication is good for users and will make them stay on your site.

Remember, your email list is one of the biggest assets of your small business. The time and effort you put into it, as well as running an e-mail campaign, will show a real result.