Special characters and symbols in emails subject line

Special characters and symbols in emails subject line
19 Jan 2021

Special Characters and Symbols in Email Subject Lines: What You Need to Know

The subject line is a short description that presents the content of the email to the user, without having to open it. In fact, the subject line is one of the few items visible from the inbox, along with the sender's name and the pre-header, that is, the first sentence of the message.Its main function, is to give a preview of the email content. However, for email marketing experts, the subject of an email serves primarily to attract the reader and convince him to read the message.

Why is the subject line of an email important?

Our survival in the inbox depends on the subject of an email: if it manages to stand out from the crowd of emails and attract the recipient's attention, we will have managed to get them to open our email. Otherwise he would pass us by or, worse, send us straight to the spam folder without any remorse. Yes, it is that important.

Best practices for creating your email subject line

1. Use the correct length

Ever since email marketing has been around, there has also been a debate about the length of the email subject line: is a long email subject or a short one better? We're sorry to disappoint you, but the marketers are still debating the issue and there is no final verdict yet.To create a good email subject, both are valid strategies, but you must take into account some factors before making a decision. A short subject line can more easily attract the reader's attention, but you may miss out on relevant information.On the other hand, if you use a long subject line, it is probably not impressive enough and you run the risk of not being fully displayed. Although good, there are people who think that a touch of mystery can come in handy.

2. Complements the information in the pre-header

In addition to the subject, there are other elements of your email visible from the inbox, such as the header or the sender's name. The header or pre-header, is the short phrase that usually follows the subject of the message (if we have not gone too far with its length) and that can be used to complement the information in the subject line. If the length it is not adequate, the pre-header will be hidden and all your effort will be of no use.

3. Highlight the benefits

Whatever you offer in your email, do not hesitate: use the subjects of your emails to tell your recipients what are the advantages they will get when opening them. If you know your target audience, it will not be very difficult to determine what their needs are and how to present your product or service to them so that they see the benefits they can get if they only decide to read your message.

4. Avoid spam words

The risk of falling into the spam folder is a constant fear that plagues any digital marketer. We know it, because it happens to us too. Therefore, we must take all the necessary precautions to avoid that place of no return.One of them is to avoid using certain words in the subject line of the email. These are ordinary words, but commonly used by spammers, such as "invoice", "free" or "urgent".

5. Avoid capital letters and special characters

This point is closely related to the previous point and some obsessed with language correctness will love to know. Using correct grammar and punctuation keeps us out of spam boxes.For example, avoid writing everything in capital letters, since, in addition to being considered as speaking "shouting" in the internet world (and it does not seem that this is the best first impression), it is another of the techniques used by spammers.

6. Generate expectation

There is nothing better than a good dose of expectation to entice your users and prompt them to open the email immediately. Always keep in mind that they have to be real expectations. Don't make promises that you can't keep or you might not like your user's response.

7. Talk about news

Regardless of the topic in the newsletter, what a subscriber hopes to get from it is to stay up-to-date on industry trends or learn more about a certain topic. Therefore, creating subject lines that refer to news and current affairs can help you position your brand as an authority within your sector, and make them want to open it immediately when they receive your email.

7 ideas and examples to try in your email subjects

To find the ideal test-based subject line, you have to have a number of specific skills that not everyone is aware of. Among them are the ability to change our own previous conception (because, as you well know, you don't always have to be right), persistence, and a commitment to periodically searching for new ideas.Here are seven ideas you can try in your subject lines.

1. Symbols and emojis

In recent years we have carried out several tests in this regard, which have helped us to discover how our recipients behave when they receive an email containing symbols or emojis. However, for many marketers the question remains: to use emojis in the email subject line or not?The suitability of the emojis will depend on the age and location of your subscribers, their use of social networks and even the device on which they read the emails. But the question is not only about whether to use them or not, but which ones to use. Each culture could have different reactions to the same image, and no matter how much they try to convince us, a peach is not always a peach.

2. Extension

Some consider it one of the most basic tests, but it is something that must be taken into account. The subject length of the different email clients and devices varies from 70 characters in the desktop version of Gmail to only 30 characters in Android phones. But there is another element of the extension that you can put to the test to get to know it better. Try various options and analyze the performance of each campaign individually and between different email clients and devices over time.

3. Personalization

This is another basic element that some continue to overlook when performing their A / B tests. We are not just talking about adding the recipient's name in the subject line (although it is something worth trying), but we are referring to types of personalization based on their location, preferences and interests.We always repeat it, but it is still relevant: "Whatever you do, personalize!" All the information we collect from our users can help us personalize and tailor our shipments, giving the feeling that they are in a direct conversation with us.

4. Negative sentences, questions and exclamations

The tone, the words you choose and how you write your subject lines will affect the willingness of your readers to open your emails. You could state facts, share an exciting milestone, or ask a question to get them to reflect on something. It may be that highlighting good things works best for you, or maybe your readers are more likely to open emails that emphasize negative elements.

5. FOMO / clickbait

The fear of missing something (FOMO) is a fact. People want to know what others know, to find out what others are talking about. Basically, curiosity and madness, hand in hand. So, are you planning to tap into the FOMO of your contacts with subject lines that are irresistible to them?

To some extent, the basis of clickbait subject lines is precisely that overwhelming curiosity that prompts us to open a message to discover that, in fact, "I can't even imagine what John Doe said." Clickbait titles flood the web, but you'll never know if they work for your audience unless you try them.

6. General / Direct

Surely you are aware of the success of Obama's email marketing during his 2012 presidential campaign. Well, much of it was thanks to the interesting variety of subject lines selected by his team, which led to impressive open rates and they set a fundraising record.

7. Discount and emergencies

Another interesting idea that is worth investigating if your company sends product emails is to see if highlighting discounts and promotions, or creating a sense of urgency in your subject line, will generate higher open rates. The excessive use of limited-time campaigns and headlines could be a bit like the story of “Peter and the Wolf”: your contacts will stop believing you and, in the end, they will not react as you want, because they know that soon you will get another offer. Don't forget to try them frequently to find the right balance.