Keep Email Subscribers by Engaging Them

Keep Email Subscribers by Engaging Them
19 Jan 2021

Keep Email Subscribers by Engaging Them

The quality of your email list is alpha and omega if you want to get good results. Many companies have a desire to collect the maximum number of records regardless of the quality of the contacts, despite the fact that it is one of the most important criteria to achieve success in your emailing campaigns.If you have any doubts about what a strong email list offers you, they can mention, among other things, the following:

The above can also be improved by focusing on sending emails to segmented lists, making personalized emails, and using automation.

Email Marketing success begins the moment you receive your first leads. It doesn't matter if it's through your website, through an app, through Facebook Lead Ads, LinkedIn Lead Ads, or somewhere else entirely.

Before you begin, you should carefully consider several factors of how to get new subscriber records. Above all, avoid certain methods that can negatively influence the results later. To ensure the highest quality lead collection possible, you should take the following precautions at the registration stage:

Consider how you are collecting leads. Is it okay to offer freebies for people to subscribe? Usually this results in a lot of sign-ups, but at the same time there are a lot of people who just sign up solely to win the prize and then unsubscribe. However, if you choose to collect leads in this way, run a test where you enter these contacts into a separate list to closely monitor this group's performance on specific factors such as Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Unsubscribes, and Conversions.

To submit specific personal data, it is also good to take into account what personal data you ask the person for. As a starting point, be careful not to ask too many questions, as it often turns out that people don't finish the registration out of laziness; conversely, remove some people who are not sufficiently committed to receiving your Newsletters.

Consider what data is relevant to personalize and segment Mailing, such as:

The more data you can collect, the more likely you are to have an effective, high-performing email list. There are methods to expand the existing contact data and thus enrich the quality level of your database.

Keep list healthy - delete inactive recipients

In case your email list contains bad recipients despite your efforts in the collection phase, don't be afraid to remove inactive recipients (Engagement Rate) without opening the emails they receive.

It is more important to have an email list with fewer subscribers who have more participation than many on the list, where some are inactive and therefore can activate Spam filters. You have to keep the reputation level as high as possible to ensure that the emails are delivered to the inbox of all subscribers and thus prevent them from not reading the email because it has reached the Spam tray.

Send your Emailing campaigns at the right time

You know how it is! At some times of the day there is no time to see all the emails in the inbox. Sometimes new emails do not stop entering your inbox and there is no time to read them all and you will most likely give priority to the most urgent, interesting and important ones.Research has shown that a person receives an average of about 100 emails a day. It gives a little idea of ​​how difficult it is for the sender to actually read all of his messages.Typically, most people check their emails in the morning when they get to work, then check more emails at noon, and again at the end of the workday. And those families with children usually do it after putting them to bed, around 10pm at night.We recommend that you check the analysis tool in your Email Marketing platform to see when your campaigns work best. When it comes to shipping during business days, it is usually a bit more ambiguous and will often depend on the industry you are targeting.

Look for engagement rates like Open Rate, Click-Through Rate, and also tools like Google Analytics to evaluate when your campaigns are converting better.

One thing is the moment in which the sender opens the email and another is when they convert. Remember that not all those who end up buying via Newsletters do so the same day they receive the email. It may be the case that they copy the link of the campaign that they find interesting and once at work, they end up going to this link and making the purchase on your e-commerce website.By finding the optimal time to send your campaigns, you will experience greater engagement, increase sales, and significantly reduce unsubscribers, thus maintaining a healthy email marketing list.

Take advantage of segmentation techniques

In the data segment you will achieve more success and avoid tiring to those segments that have little or no interest in certain types of information. It is not necessary to send each Newsletter to all subscribers if you know their interests. A dynamic content sending the person on your list of emailing, you have more chances of conversions and the same time, avoid looking like you're someone who just send junk mail to people with little useful information. If you have a business with many different types of products, then it is obvious to divide them into segments. But even if you only sell one product, there may be a reason to divide your recipients into different segments.

Do you have data on whether the single subscriber is registered on your list without visiting your website, or if a registered person who has visited several pages and exhibited a buying or placing products in the shopping cart commitment? Or perhaps the user has seen several pages or previously downloaded material your web, etc. In all these situations and some others also have the opportunity to use this type of interaction in the segmentation process.

It could also be that, in the first step, when you got the lead data, the person confirmed what kind of information they were interested in. Then it would be interesting to segment the shipments according to relevant content in each case.

Use personalization techniques

If you have managed to collect information about the subscriber such as their name, date of birth, gender or something else (see later in the article), you can use this effectively to make the email more personal.Start your email with "Hello (name)", send a discount code birthday greeting card that same day, and send targeted content based on the specified genre. Or start already in the subject line with a text like: "(Name), this is the last discount opportunity for today!". If the subscriber gets the idea that the email is written directly for him / her, they will experience much greater commitment and loyalty.If the subscriber gets the idea that the email is written directly for him / her, they will experience much greater commitment and loyalty.It is important to plan your personalization technique. Be careful about sending an email that seems very personal but where the context fails, because it can have the reverse effect of the intended purpose.Consider carefully how you yourself would like to receive a personalized email. How would it be configured? What content would it have and with what style of Copy? What usually has the most effect when you receive an email?

Send emails with fixed frequency - When the recipient prefers to receive it

If your subscribers receive campaigns randomly without correlation, it may be a reason why the subscriber loses interest, does not read the content and / or unsubscribe. Therefore, you have to be very consistent with frequency and time to maintain a good and healthy subscriber list.Therefore, it is important to plan time preparing shipment and so have everything ready to send the campaign at the scheduled time.Ideally, when the lead subscribes you have already asked her how often she wants to receive the Newsletters. Is it several times a week, once a week, or once a month?If you have not received this information, a thorough analysis will be required. Did multiple people start unsubscribing in a similar period? When did you change your tactics with sending frequencies? You sent only 2 newsletters a month before and now all of a sudden 2 times a week. Did you increase engagement rates and sales went down while there were lower subscribers?Be careful not to pause your shipments for a long time or drastically change the behavior in the frequency of the same. People tend to forget that they have signed up to receive a newsletter from the large number of emails they receive and often can cause reticence and even claims. And maybe, ultimately, it turns out that the person no longer opens their emails or cancels them entirely (Opt-out).

Submit interesting and relevant content.

This point may seem obvious enough, but many fail in this discipline. This can happen because you do not have good contact with your recipients, because you do not have segmented content or simply because you have not had a plan according to the creation of interesting and relevant content.Make sure that, based on the people and target groups, you deliver relevant content to your audience. Make sure to keep track of how different people and / or segments have responded to your content and use it as learning for future campaigns.