How to Optimize Website and Email Calls to Action with No Fuss

How to Optimize Website and Email Calls to Action with No Fuss
19 Jan 2021

How to Optimize Website and Email Calls to Action with No Fuss

The purpose behind any email marketing campaign is to get a positive response from the recipient, as it is very important to drive the recipient through the sales funnel. If you are intended to run any email campaign, you must have an amazing subject line, a special offer, and a captivating call to action. Have you ever noticed which thing keeps you reading the email when you are busy? Does the email content, including subject line, copy text, images, GIFs, and videos, attract and engage you or any other thing that keeps you reading by grabbing your interest. Is it an attractive call-to-action that leads you to some site from where you can know more about your interest?

You are inspired to open the email because the subject line grasps your attention, and the email copy motivates you to read till the last word. Now you have two options. You can either turn the email tab off by switching back or click on the Call to action to proceed further. You would click on the CTA if it inspires you, and this is the main idea behind getting conversions. Design the CTA content so strong that your subscriber cannot help ignore it and clicks it to further know about you or your product.

Call to action serves the purpose of guiding the subscribers through the email to the destined landing page that has already been crafted strong enough to help drive the desired action.

What is a call to action?

A call to action is usually some motivating verbiage, propulsive sentence, or a phrase that has a great potential to get a click and guide the prospects to take highly desirable action to let them have some expected benefit in the form of an amazing product deal or any service.

A call to action appears like a text on a button or hyperlinked content. CTA is often placed underneath the hyperlinked text and generally uses bright and contrasting colors to make it prominent in the viewer's eyes. It contains actionable verbiage that is usually strong enough to be ignored.

Tips to craft actionable CTA

Buttons are an amazing way to improve conversions and be increasing click-through rate. There are some amazing tricks that you are going to learn from CBT mass email senderthrough which you can convert your email and website Call to action into a powerful converter.

Use directive verbiage

As you, CTA is supposed to drive action. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a verb for your Call to action. You must focus that what you need to do by getting the clicks and mention it in a directive way in your email CTA content. Don't you want your customers to know more, register to your newsletter, download something, or buy something? Your CTA must be directive and related to your campaign goal. Be concise and clear and avoid any confusion as this may result in the bouncing of your prospects. Tell them exactly what will happen they click on the link.

Provide some value

As you require your prospects to click on the CTA, you must keep in mind that you are providing them something valuable in return as they will pay attention to your email and spend time to click on the CTA that you require from them to click. Tell them clearly what value you will provide them and explain to them the potential benefits if you want them to fill some form. You can persuade them by telling them how filling the form would help them get personalized offers and benefit them in the future.

Personalize your CTA

Personalization is important to provide value to your prospect and let them feel special. You can personalize your CTA by segmenting your email list and sending each list specific emails that must cater to their needs and interests. For personalization, you can drive data from the browsing history and previous orders of your prospects.

Use first-person

To make them feel you prospect more personalization, you can usethe first-person pronoun in your email text. Don't let them agree to your offer. Rather show them that you agreewith their interest. This would make them feel special to you, and you are paying attention to them. The use of the first-person pronoun has been shown to influence the Call to action greatly.

Responsive CTA

The majority of the people open and check their emails on the mobile phone. So you need to check and cross-check whether your CTA is functional on a cell phone and is scaled well? Normally, the mails are designed for desktop. When opened on a cell phone, the text gets squeezed up, and a mess is created. The placement and responsiveness CTA matters a lot. You also need to check that CTA is active.

Don't use more than one CTA

You must have only one CTA in your email as emails with more than one CTA gives the impression that the sender is not clear about what he wants. You must have a specific goal and design your CTA, keeping that in mind. Don't confuse your subscribers by placing multiple CTAs.

Design your CTA as a button

People often design their CTAs in the form of some image. This approach has some drawbacks. If someone has blocked images or, in an attempt to save data, has turned images off by default, then your CTA would not reach your audience. Craft your CTA in button form rather than an image to get a better reach hence a better conversion.

Repeat your CTA

If you have a long email, then repeat your CTA at an appropriate distance so that your subscribers don't forget or miss it. Repeating it actually reminds them that an action is required on their part.

A/B testing

One of the essential steps to check the functionality of your CTA is to do A/B testing. Try different CTAs and check which works the best. Then, opt for the campaign.