How to increase the open rate with the help of the subject line

How to increase the open rate with the help of the subject line
26 Jan 2021

How to increase the open rate with the help of the subject line

You receive dozens of emails daily in your inbox, how many of them do you open daily, and how many are ignored by you. You don't have enough time to open and read all the emails to your busy routine. You read only those which you feel deserved to be opened. The point is that how you decide which email is worth reading and which is not. When you open your mailbox, you see two things, 1 is the sender name, and the other is the subject line. The subject line has proved to influence the opening of emails largely.

The subject line is the first thing that creates the initial impression. If you are running an email marketing campaign, and your subject line is highly impressive. Congratulations, you have been successful in creating a good impression. If you want to increase your emails' open rate, you need to craft the subject lines that your subscribers cannot resist. This article aims to dive into the importance of email subject lines and boost the email open rate.

Increase your open rate through efficient subject line

The subject line has the power to either benefit your marketing campaign or break it. Because it has been reported that the number of people reporting emails to be spam based onthe subject line is more than the email open rate. If you want to get maximum opens through your subject line, you need to introduce your email's emotional and psychological impact.

Following are some features that play a great role in increasing the email open rate.

Fear of Missing Out

Fear of missing out is a psychological tactic that persuades the prospects to purchase lest they should lose the chance. FOMO is considered to be a compelling tactic that creates scarcity and urgency. Suppose you want something, and you suddenly get an email that "Grab it(product) only a few pieces left,""Only a few hours left to end sale." You would surely want to take advantage of the opportunity, and this is how it works for other prospects. Creating the fear of missing out and get qualified leads quickly.


Humans naturally don't like the knowledge gap and want to fulfill their curiosity. This is what you can make use of in your subject line. Write an open-ended subject line that must arouse interest to know more. Only opening the mail can help them satisfy their curiosity know about.

You must be thinking about how you can create curiosity through your subject line. You can ask your subscribers some potential questions that they possibly don't about. You can make them feel that you will tell something very valuable for them in the email. You can also arouse their urge to know by telling them something strange.

Interesting Subject Lines

Craft some very interesting subject line that must entertain your subscribers. Such a subject line can let people click on the email and open it read what more interesting lies for them in the email content.

It is not simple to craft a subject line that evokes interest and entertains the audience. You need to do a little more research to be more creative. This is ultimately going to pay you off in getting a better open rate.

Praise your audience

Everyone likes to be praised and admired. It's the nature of a human being that he wants acceptance ad reverence from others. Clever email marketers employ the strategy of vanity to get their emails opened. They either promise something that makes the audience improve themselves to get a better social identity and promise them something that can help them avoid being shamed.

Arouse greed

You may think that you are not greedy and are enticed upon by the offers. This actually doesnot function always. There are great possibilities of you getting attracted by some discount offer on a product that you don't need immediately but later in life. You might think of something to be a luxury and a necessity but upon getting a good deal. You may make up your mind to make a purchase. This is how you can persuade your audience through your subject lines to get an improved open rate.

Try to appear real in your deals as offering a great discount may render you seem to be a suspect trying to get an email opens through a suspicious subject line. Offering discounts is a great way to get clicks on the email as only those who open your email are interested in grabbing the offer.

Personalize your subject line

Personalization goes a great way to increase the email open rate. It really does not mean to use the name of the recipient in the subject line. Rather, you can personalize their interest. You can offer them something that they specifically need at the moment. You can get to know your audience's interest through their persona, browsing history, past purchases, and demographics. You can also require your customers to fill up the form by explaining why you need them to fill it.

To send personalized emails, you need to have a better understanding of your prospects. Personalized emails have been thought to be considerably boosting the open rates. You can target your prospects by targeting their interests.

Solve the prospect's pain points

You are sending an email marketing campaign to your target audience. You should know your prospects' pain points, as this goes a long way to help you develop a better relationship with your customers by solving the issues they are desperately looking forward to resolving.

Final words

If you are looking forward to sending marketing emails to your prospects, you must keep these points in mind to enhance your chances of getting your maximum number of emails opened. CBT mass email sender can help you in solving the problem of crafting an impressive subject line.