Email Marketing for Local Governments

Email Marketing for Local Governments
19 Jan 2021

Email Marketing for Local Governments

The massive sending of Campaigns is the most efficient tool of Digital Marketing. In this article you will discover why governments also choose it to boost their results.Generally, the use of Email Marketing is directly associated with the world of business. However, the governments that have implemented it have performed admirably, surpassing even most other industries. In this article you will find out why Email Campaigns are the best option to reach citizens in a fast, economical and effective way. You'll be surprised!

The Power of Email Marketing for Government

There are many possibilities that Email Marketing offers to achieve the communicational objectives of any Government. Here are the most important ones for you to design a seamless strategy!

 1 Strengthen citizen participation

Very often it is difficult for governments to get people involved and participate in local, regional or national politics.One of the challenges they often face is a listless and disinterested voter base. Email Marketing is a great loyalty tool in this regard.An informed citizen is much more capable of being involved in matters that concern him than one who is not. And what better way to find out about the projects, objectives, actions and results obtained, through the government itself?Regular newsletters, Campaigns to communicate and special events are just some of the resources that can help the Government to strengthen the bond with citizens and achieve greater participation.

 2 Empathize with citizens

A personalized delivery is key in any Email Marketing Campaign. There are many ways to do it, such as specifying the name of the recipient, the subject of the Campaign, the links you include, etc.Imagine that your government has designed a hydraulic development plan to prevent flooding in certain neighborhoods. Your Campaigns could have a different content for those who live in the community but are not directly affected by these works, and another for those who will benefit from this new initiative.This type of strategy contributes greatly to increasing engagement and thus strengthening long-term relationships. Take advantage of them!

 3 Save budget for other actions

Email Marketing is an economical and effective tool to directly reach each person that makes up your audience.How much would you save if you sent your campaign to 10,000 people by email, instead of using conventional postal delivery or hiring an advertising space in some media? It is a question that we repeatedly ask because it shows the effectiveness of the tool to save time, money and obtain the best results.The profitability it offers is even more important when it comes to local governments, which generally have a tighter budget.So, if you want to save money to allocate it to other actions, do not hesitate to design the best Campaigns, to obtain excellent results at a low cost.

 4 Reach out to all citizens

Today more and more people have a profile on Social Networks, but especially when talking about a young audience. Perhaps it is Facebook that has managed to concentrate a more varied age profile.However, who does not currently have an email box? From children to the elderly have email.In addition, the increasing use of smartphones and other mobile devices allows users to check their box frequently during the day. This makes it easier for government agencies to reach all citizens through a single channel, quickly and effectively.Remember that this means getting the right message to the right audience at the right time. And if it's at a low cost, even better!

 5 Use Reports to improve results

Has your Campaign been successful? Have you reached the established objectives?Another of the great benefits of Email Marketing is to be able to carefully evaluate each shipment to correct errors, think about new objectives, improve strategies or know with certainty what were the strengths of a Campaign.Through the metrics that tools allow you to analyze, you will be able to exponentially optimize your results every time you make a shipment.

Governments: an industry that stands out

Most of the concepts that apply to the private sector also serve to implement an effective Email Marketing strategy in the public sphere.However, the aim here is not to generate wealth or income, but to involve citizens in the events that make up the construction of a community, and to inform about public situations.According to several studies that compare the effectiveness of Email Marketing among various industries, Governments are one of the areas that achieve the best results. They tend to have a high Open Rate, high CTR, and low unsubscribe rates.

Does it catch your attention? Well, it is natural if campaigns with quality content and well segmented are carried out. Surely, if you do things correctly, all users (citizens) will be interested in the topics discussed as they affect their social, economic, cultural or political development.

If you want your Campaigns to also stand out, we recommend you write your Emails in a very personal way and send special messages for important dates for your audience. That will surely be of great value to citizens and will strengthen the bond with them.

Nobody wants to be left out

With all these benefits, it is not surprising that many governments are already harnessing the power of Email Marketing. So, if you are in charge of the communication of a Government of any level, put these tips into practice and reach the citizens in the most efficient way!