Email Marketers Beware – Take Care Not to Offend Your Subscribers

Email Marketers Beware – Take Care Not to Offend Your Subscribers
19 Jan 2021

Email Marketers Beware – Take Care Not to Offend Your Subscribers

Regardless of whether you are new or a veteran in the world of email marketing, you must always remember that your customer base is large and varied. This means that your clients probably have all kinds of political views and religious beliefs. When composing your messages and sending them to your readers, you should always avoid saying or doing anything that might offend them.It may seem like a basic concept, but many email marketers make simple mistakes that can alienate potential customers, and even existing ones. Give your email marketing campaign an honest review to make sure you don't include any offense.Even if you don't mean to offend your readers, you could be generating rejection if you are using one of these common practices.

Don't confirm email subscriptions - you should always send a confirmation to those readers who sign up for your email list. If you don't, you will gain a reputation as a spammer or allow other people to sign up without your knowledge.

Failure to provide an easy to use unsubscribe link - all email marketers give their readers a simple way to stop any future unwanted email. By providing an easy-to-use unsubscribe link, you stand out as a professional.

Skip answering questions quickly - your readers need to know that you are available when they are needed. Always answer their questions quickly and give your customers the attention they deserve.

Failing to honor promised offers - If you've promised your new subscribers a money-saving coupon or a special deal, make sure you follow up correctly. Always give your customers what they expect.

Skip working on spam lists - Email marketers should ask their readers to add their addresses to their email clients so that they don't end up in the spam folder. All the hard work is a waste of time if most of your messages end up as spam.

Bombard your list with messages - keep your marketing messages to a minimum and try to give your readers real value every time you send out an email or newsletter.

Failure to provide a valid email address - always provide your subscribers with a way to reach you. Be sure to include an email address so your readers can contact you with questions or comments.

Selling your subscribers' information without their permission - no one enjoys receiving spam. By selling your subscriber list to other marketers, your readers will get spam in their inboxes. If you sell your list, your readers will know, and they will walk away. Simply avoid selling information about your subscribers and inform them that their data is protected.