Email Background Images as Your Main Email Design Priority

Email Background Images as Your Main Email Design Priority
19 Jan 2021

Email Background Images as Your Main Email Design Priority

Words are very important in creating a strong influence. But, when it comes to images, the impact increases 1000x. Images enhance the experience of its consumer just like spices enhance the taste of the food. Even before the script, visual script and images were used for communicating the message in the early era. Emails are considered to be one of the most effective channels of personalized communication.

The emergence of HTML coding for crafting email has brought about a revolution by introducing different layouts and styling features which involve using images, GIFs, hyperlinking, etc. The majority of the email marketers consider that visual elements make the email content more attractive. So, the importance of images cannot be overlooked while discussing email marketing content. The article aims at unveiling the importance of images and their powerful impact in generating conversions in email marketing campaigns. In the start, you may face issues with what kind of images you should use to create an attractive layout, but with time and practice, you will naturally learn about how you can engage with your subscribers through images.

While crafting an email, you might not be aware of the importance of email background images. In reality, these background images enhance the email readability by providing a soothing impact on the eyes and improve the email layout. The article aims at unveiling the importance of images and their powerful influence in generating conversions in email marketing campaigns. CBT mass email sender helps you learn the tricks of adding the background images and why you should use them.

Email background image

Image, which is placed in the background of an email, is called a background image. These images are complementary and have nothing to do with the content of the email. You can add your content relevant images, text, and CTA and layer over it.

Benefits of images in email marketing

You have the best email copy, but it may sometimes not let you have the expected results compared to the email with some visual content in it. Visual content allows easy conveyance of messages that would otherwise be difficult to communicate.

The reason is that your subscribers are very busy to read every line of your email. Providing them with content in the visual form allows quick scanning and understanding of the message.

Images also serve to retain the message for a long time. Images that you can add in your email copy, including screenshots, stock images, and many more,connect more effectively with your subscribers and increase your email campaign's click-through rate.

Background images in HTML emails

To make your content unique and stand out from the rest, you need to introduce something very attractive. What can be more beautiful and engaging than visual content? You can achieve your purpose by adding background images to your email content. The notable benefits that background images in email content hold for you include.

Place content on your background images

Background images are not related to your email message, and you can layer on it your intended content that can be in the form of text or image. This allows you to place all the content in one place.

Accessible content

Most people check their emails through the cell phone. So, marketers try to focus more on mobile interfaces. Some users have not automatically selected images to be displayed naturally. If such a situation occurs with your email having a background image, you don't need to worry as your text would still be conveyed to your audience.

Image format supported in Emails

Different type of image formats that are supported in emails includes JPEG, GIF, and PNG.


JPEG means a Joint photographic expert groupis used for images where more detailing and complex shapes are used. In its data is compressed without affecting its quality. It reduces the data cost while downloading files due to its small file size. However, the JPEG format disturbs the quality when it comes to editing photos. They are static and don't store transparency data. It is a 24-bit file supporting 16 million colors.

Animated GIFs

GIF means Graphic Interchange Format, and its file size is even less as compared to JPEG. It introduces transparency and reduces the file size by removing the unwanted parts of images. This also allows the animation of images through multiple layers. It is an 8-bit file supporting 256 colors.


It is a kind of GIF visually more attractive than it. In it, a cinematic effect is created by only one animated element.


PNG stands for portable network graphic and is a combination of JPEG and GIF. It supports not only 8, 24, and 32-bit color.

Apply background images in email

Following are some rules to apply background images safely.

Design rule

Following are some features that need to be followed while choosing any background image. You need to decide the overall template of your email and select the background image accordingly. You also need to maintain co-relation with your email content with the background image.


The size of the image should range from 600-1200 pixels. This is a standard size and doesn't create any mess in the email copy.


The center of the email template is considered to be the most appropriate location forthe background image.


Your font should be readable on a mobile phone and other devices.


Your color scheme should be selected very carefully. Consider your brand colors and properly use them.

Image to text ratio

Your image to text ratio should be 40 to 60. Keep a balance of both.

All of these features should play together to create the balanced email content.

Background colors

A precautionary measure that you need to take in this regard is to set up background color. Suppose your background image fails to display. Your color will appear as a backup to make the appearance attractive.

ALT text

Some email clients block background images. In such a case, the text on the image should appear.