21 Astonishing Email Marketing Stats and Trends

21 Astonishing Email Marketing Stats and Trends
28 Dec 2020

21 Astonishing Email Marketing Stats and Trends

Running a successful digital marketing campaign comes down to two things: your creativity and your knowledge of the possibilities offered by digital platforms. The digital world is changing rapidly: the tools that worked 5 years ago are becoming obsolete. Technology is evolving very fast, and is seemingly new every week. To help you stay ahead of the competition, we've put together a list of the biggest e-mail marketing stats and trends. Find the ones that are most suitable for your brand, and delight your customers in 2020.

Here are some of the astonishing trends in email marketing

1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence

These technologies are actively used in other directions, but they have appeared in email marketing recently: according to Litmus experts, the trend is at the beginning of the path.

Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) make life easier for thousands of email marketers every day. With their help you can:

- Segment data. ML and AI collect an exhaustive amount of user data, cluster it, identify the characteristics of user groups and, based on this information, help to create a relevant offer.

- Optimize dispatch time. AI collects data on the "mail" habits of users and calculates the time, taking into account time zones, to send mailings during the peak of subscriber activity.

- Increase engagement. ML and AI algorithms generate content and conduct A / B testing, figuring out what resonated more with users.

AI has already shown its effectiveness in practice.

2. Mailing list hyper personalization

Personalization has been on the trend list for several years, but still only 39% of online stores personalize email newsletters. The numbers indicate that this trend is worth paying attention to:

- Email messages with a personalized subject line are 26% more likely to open.

- 74% of marketers surveyed say personalized emails increase overall user engagement.

- Personalized calls to action (CTAs) increase conversions 202% more than regular calls.

To personalize mailings, you need to collect information about your customers (for example, name, birthday, interests). This can be done immediately in the form of a subscription or in the process of communication - through surveys and analysis of behavior on the site.

3. Optimization for mobile devices

In 2019, 42% of emails were opened from smartphones or tablets. People read emails from mobile devices more often than from any other. Therefore, you need to take care of how the newsletter will look on smartphone screens.

4. Integration with social networks

Now you don't have to choose between social networks and email newsletters. Their interaction and total presence in the media space are in vogue. Both social networks and mailing lists have their pros and cons - it is much more effective to combine these channels. There are 2 ways to do this:

- Grow your email base using social media. One way to get users interested in subscribing to the newsletter is to offer them exclusive content or a discount when they sign up.

- Use mailings to promote social networks. Subscriber acquisition also works the other way around - with email marketing you can grow your social media communities. For example, place links to them in the letter.

5. Multichannel Marketing

Today it is not enough to focus your marketing strategy on just one channel. Your users will undoubtedly use more devices during the day, and more channels. They check their email, go to Facebook and visit Instagram several times a day. Every sales agent will tell you that according to statistics, it takes a minimum of 7 attempts to convince someone to buy something. It can be said that the same rule applies in the case of digital marketing. Therefore, when planning your digital marketing strategy, do not forget to integrate multiple channels that will simultaneously, from different sides, reach your audience. Only in this way can you ensure that your brand will not be forgotten and you will really increase sales.

6. Facebook automatic messaging

Facebook automated messaging is something the company has recently made available to users. In addition to the ability to send sponsored messages in chat, we can also automate the answers to the questions they ask us.Through sponsored messages you can reach everyone who has ever written a message on your FB page. They are quite cheap compared to other forms of digital marketing, and reach an audience that has already expressed interest in your products and services. We recommend that you use FB sponsored messages to share promotional promotions and other announcements that would interest your audience.On the other hand, FB automated responses are a great way to show the customer that you are always there for them. Even if the automated message only tells him that someone on your team will respond as soon as possible, he will still feel that you have heard. You can do the same for comments on your posts, presenting your brand as responsive and responsive.

7. LinkedIn

Especially if your target group is business people and entrepreneurs, the place where you must be is LinkedIn. This social network is still evolving, and is a particularly good place to network and build a personal brand. Now is a great time to be a part of it and build an audience that follows you (before LinkedIn becomes the new Facebook).

As an advertising site, LinkedIn offers similar features to Facebook but because this is a new phenomenon, LinkedIn advertising is significantly more expensive than Facebook. So, focus on your personal profile and thus build your brand. Currently, the unwritten rules of communication on LinkedIn prefer photo content, motivational messages and moments of personal success and achievement. Our recommendation is to play by the rules but in your own way to stand out from all others who do the same.

8. WhatsApp and Viber

Communicating via WhatsApp and Viber messages with your users can be most easily explained as merging advertising via SMS and email marketing. Messages are short (unlike email), but you can add pictures and links (unlike SMS). Depending on your audience, this can be a great way to promote promotions and notifications about the arrival of a new collection of customers who have already left their number.Our recommendation is to use this medium but practice moderate frequency so as not to risk people creating repulsion towards your brand.

9. Story on Instagram

As humans, we love stories. The function of Instagram Story is exactly that: sharing visual stories. Instagram users by looking at Stories feel like they are part of the everyday stories of their friends, but also of their favorite brands. Story content has many interactive features, calls for more engagement and keeps users focused.

Through Instagram Story you can promote your Instagram post, or if you have over 10,000 followers, with the Swipe Up option to redirect them directly to your website. You can share live video, but also animate the audience by sharing content that is not direct promotions. In fact, the Instagram Stories audience prefers this type of content. Take this opportunity to promote your brand values and don't forget to do it often (post something on Story at least every other day).

10. UGC injection - user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) - user-generated content - has been on the list of trends to look out for for years. And this applies not only to social networks, but to the entire digital space. User-generated content has many benefits:

- You don't need to hire contractors or marketing staff to create content. Users create it themselves.

- Using UGC in mailings increases CTR by 73%.

- The presence of the UGC gallery on the site increases the time of visiting the page by 90%.

- 79% of users say that having such content is more likely to induce them to make a positive purchase decision.

What types of UGC can be included in a letter:

- Customer reviews. Approximately 72% of users say they won't buy a product until they read the reviews.

- Photos from social networks.

- Hashtags and a call to join the campaign

11. Interactivity and gamification

Interactive and gamified designs are designed to increase engagement. The user becomes part of the marketing of the company as they interact with the letter and immerse themselves in the content. Interactive content in emails increases conversions. Popular formats include GIF animations, videos, and clickable buttons.

12. APNG animations

Popular GIFs are starting to give way to APNGs. This is not surprising: the quality of the latter is much higher, they can be transparent and include a wider range of colors. In addition, many email clients support this format.

13. "Accessibility" of mailing lists for the elderly and people with disabilities

There are many people have vision problems or are pensioners. The format of accessible letters allows you to take into account the needs of this audience and create mailings that will be convenient for everyone to read.

Things to consider when adapting your email newsletter for seniors and subscribers with low vision:

- Use contrasting colors and large print.

- Adapt mailing lists for voice assistants: separate the layout code and the text of the letter.

- Register alt-texts for all images in the mailing list.

14. Interactive content

Interactive content ranged from videos asking for opinions, to posts where users can vote between several offered options. Regardless of the format, interactive content attracts a lot of attention and activates the audience to be part of the experience.Especially in terms of branding, this form of marketing is very important because when people participate in an activity related to your brand, they feel like they are part of it. As a result, they are more likely to remember you, share and buy from your products.

15. Partnerships with influencers

Influencer advertising is a great idea because their audience sees them as friends, and trusts them for advice. But what happened in 2019 is that some of them accept to work with too many brands at once, and their followers become immune to their recommendations and sponsored posts.

That is why in 2020 we will see an increase in the popularity of micro-influencers, who do not have a huge base of followers, but are very close to the audience and do not collaborate with many brands at the same time. We will also see a change in how brands choose influencers. Brand values should be consistent with the personal values of the influencer. Finally, the original influencers such as famous musicians, actors and models will continue to be in focus and we will see them more and more often in collaboration with brands for promotional campaigns.

16. Intolerance to bad content

Despite the huge abundance of posts, videos, pictures, blogs and ads, consumers are tired of boring and irrelevant content. If what you are sharing is not quality, repetitive, and simply boring, they simply will not be interested in your content. If you share something that has real value, inform them or animate them, expect them to really respect you as a brand. Quantity of content is important, but especially now, it should not become more important than quality.

17. Personalized messages

When creating your digital marketing strategy, you need to think about what stage of customer readiness you are addressing. Consumers simply do not respond to messages that are not specifically designed for them. Today, you have the advantage of numerous targeting and automation tools, and you should definitely consider the opportunities they offer. For example, if you have an e-shop, with a simple automatic e-mail tool you can reach the consumer who has just left the store with the items left in the cart. With this you return it to the store to complete the order. When targeting new potential users on social networks, create different messages for the audience you are targeting, make them relevant to them and watch your sales grow.

18. Informal language

On social media, users are much more likely to trust simple messages spoken in a conversational tone. There is no more room for long and complicated words and formal expression. Be short, clear and interesting. Talk to your audience just as you would your friends.

The following 3 trends are not new to the email community, but they are not yet fully implemented.

19. Dark mode emails

Dark mode or "dark theme" has become one of the key trends in the digital environment. Many email clients have added dark mode to their functionality last year.

What about mailing lists? When switching the UI of mailboxes, it is not always clear how the letter will look. There are 3 options:

1. The letter will remain as it was laid out

2. Partially change color (light areas will become dark)

3. Will fully adapt to dark mode. If the letter is typeset in a dark palette, reverse color conversion may occur.

At the end of 2019, most email clients support partial color conversion.

Difficulty: not all email clients have dark mode, mailings are difficult to typeset, there are no uniform guidelines for creating such letters.

20. AMP

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is back on the list of global email marketing trends in 2020. Experts highlight its advantages over standard mailings: the ability to make changes in real time and take actions (purchases, registration) directly from the letter.

Difficulties: AMP emails are hard to create and adapt, many email clients and mailing services do not support them. How to measure the results of AMP emails is still not clear.

21. Embedded videos

Video content is a trend that has spread to the entire digital space. According to WordStream data in 2018, 64% of users buy a product after watching a video from a company. The presence of a video in an email increases the CTR by 65%. Therefore, 87% of marketers use video in their emails.

However, is it possible to embed and play video in an email? In theory, yes, but in practice, too few email clients support this feature.

Instead of streaming videos, newsletters now use an image with a single video frame and a link or GIF animation.

Difficulty: Most email clients don't play videos.


Email marketing is one of the main communication channels in many areas. Email trends are becoming more and more technological. Machine learning, artificial intelligence and personalization create content that best suits the user's needs, and interactive animated design increases engagement.

Some trends - dark mode, AMP, streaming video in email - need more time to become more accessible and developed.

Following trends is important to stay one step ahead of the competition. But that does not mean that all trends are right for you and your market. Focus on where your target group is spending their time. And, remember, all of these forms of marketing are just new ways to reach potential customers. The key to success, as always, is the quality of your campaign: What you tell them, and in what way. Be creative and courageous, and seek advice from someone who has experience and expertise.